The Firmware Config Tool is the easiest way to get the MultiWii Config GUI. It automatically downloads the correct version matching your Quadrino's firmware version, and it also configures an icon in your Start | All Programs under Quadrino Tools. The Firmware Tool also has a Start MultiWii Config button on the Flash Firmware page. The installed MultiWii Config GUI is the same version from the standard MultiWii Google Code site.
Download the Firmware Config Tool
Starting the MultiWii Config program on Mac OSX
Until the Firmware Tool is available on the MacOS platform you will need to download the MultiWii Config GUI from the MultiWii Google Code site and unpack the files. From the location you unpacked the files open the application.macosx folder (found inside the MultiWiiConf folder). Inside this folder is the application folder. If you wish you can copy this folder into your normal applications folder where your other apps are located or you can simply run from the unpacked folder.
As per the readme.txt in this directory there is some instructions to reset the executable state of the application. (I've never needed to do this, but if the application won't start give this a try.)
"This application was created on Windows, which does not properly support setting files as "executable", which is a necessity for applications on Mac OS X. To fix this, use the Terminal on Mac OS X, and from this directory, type the following:"
chmod +x
Once you have the MultiWii Config GUI open, you will now have to select the correct COM port and click the START button to initiate communication between the config program and the Quadrino. Once data from the board begins to stream you should also hit the READ button since many of the settings in the GUI will remain red and unpopulated until you do.
Once the port connection is made, you need to click the START button to initiate communication to the Quadrino. After a few seconds you should begin seeing data stream in from the Quadrino board.
With data streaming in you can now move the Quadrino around in space and see the GUI's indicators and sensors react. The main graph area shows the raw sensor output over time as well as the immediate sensor values on the left (ACC, GYRO, MAG, ALT & HEAD). This data isn't that useful unless you are very familiar with accellerometer, gyro and other sensors but you should at least see these values react to you moving the board.
On the bottom right are the typical plane attitude (roll and pitch) and heading indicators which should be quite familiar. The 3D view of the copter is from the TOP. The green arrow shows the front of the copter. If the indicators do not match the Quadrino's actual attitude or heading you probably need to calibrate the accellerometer or magnetometer.
If the board's firmware was not properly configured in the Firmware Config Tool then the sensors may malfunction. This is also indicated if the I2C errors indicator in the GUI is counting up rapidly. Close the GUI and return to the Firmware Config Tool to verify your sensor configuration. If you use your serial# on page 2 of the tool then it will use our manufacturing database to lookup your sensor configuration. In the rare case, a Quadrino get's a wrong label so if the problem persists contact support and we will help you out. Also, if you added the GPS option in the firmware a missing GPS will cause I2C errors to climb even though the sensors and flight control will continue to operate fine. Ideally there should be zero I2C errors.
Now is a good time to check that your receiver is operational and the ranges of each channel is correct. The GUI shows in the upper right the state of the receiver inputs. If the values are locked on 1500 then you should check your wiring and receiver module power as the Quadrino is not getting valid signals. When the Quadrino is plugged into the USB port it will power the receiver module but not the ESCs.
With receiver inputs responding you can check the channel polarity and range. The channel in the GUI should respond the same as the transmitter stick. So if you move the stick left, then the channel in the GUI should respond by going left. Right is right. If the channel in the GUI responds opposite from the transmitter stick then you need to go into your transmitter menu and reverse that channel.
Proper ranges on each channel is also very important. There are many command gestures for operating the copter which may not work if any channel does not go lower than 1050 or higher than 1900. This is important!!! Move ROLL, PITCH, THROTTLE and YAW and ensure they travel from less than 1050 to over 1900! Then also confirm that neutral stick position is 1500 for ROLL, PITCH and YAW. You need to set these values in your transmitter if they are off using a combination of Expo or Trim settings. This is the most common cause of the copter not arming (and flying) because the ARM gesture (throttle down, yaw right) isn't recognized due to narrow channel ranges in the transmitter.
Refer back to the Quick Start Guide, but you will probably want to: